Kells Monastic Site…
Apx. 1hr 35min drive - 86 miles from Belfast.
Reportedly founded by St. Columba in 554 when High King Diarmuid Mac Carol of Tara granted the land.
The abbey was refounded, eventually being built between 807-814.
Kells became the main Columban House in 878.
It is believed that the Book of Kells was either written entirely in the scriptorium of Kells, or at least started elsewhere and finished at Kells.
The abbey was repeatedly raided by Vikings during the 10th century, yet the monks managed to keep the Book of Kells intact; until it was stolen in 1006. It was returned two months later without its cover.
The book remained in Kells until Cromwellian forces were stationed at the town in the 1650’s. It was then moved to Dublin, and later kept at Trinity College where it has stayed since 1661.
The site includes a 10th century round tower, a 10th century oratory, and a number of 9th and 10th century high crosses, one of which was supposedly damaged by Cromwellian soldiers, and later used to hang participants of the 1798 rebellion.